Sunday, October 12, 2008

Anamnesis Revived

Sometimes, when I look back, even to the not-so-distant past, I wince at the person(/people) I used to be. Don’t we all? I wonder if there is a valid excuse, though, to shun the parts in our lives that we are ashamed of. I mean, aren’t the contemptible moments we experienced still just as valuable as those in which we are proud of? Subjectively, probably not, but pertaining to the individual we each happen to be, as a whole, those segments still make up a part of us whether we like it or not.

Yes, we can come to terms with those phases, yes, we can find resolution. But the fact that we were such a person in that particular chapter of our lives cannot change, and therefore there is no excuse to turn one’s back upon certain fragments of the past that are in fact, precious treasures...that is, people.

I have realized this now, and even though the page has turned, many times in fact, I know that it would make me even more so regretful to forget the people I cared about, than it does to remember them.

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