Monday, June 8, 2009


The liquid scenery rushes by the
windows of the train.

Remnants of green earth and history
swirling with the laughter around our heads...

Casual card games through
thousand year old lands
echoing the memories we carry
and the ones we forge today

we were travelers
pioneers of sunlight

we were

Monday, April 6, 2009

Kino no Tabi Quotes Part I

Some of my favorites...

Hermes: "The most important thing for a traveler is decisiveness. That holds true for both rookie and veteran travelers. Am I wrong?"
Kino: "The most important thing for a traveler is what saves the traveler after struggling to the bitter end."
Hermes: "What’s that?"
Kino: "That’s luck"

Kino: "Someone once told me that watching the birds made them want to go on a journey."
Hermes: "Who told you that?"
Kino: "I forget..."

"It snows...and it covers up and hides things "

Kino: "It’s pretty interesting"
Hermes: "What is?"
Kino: "The way that when someone expresses anything, someone’s always there to interpret it."
Kino: "Why can’t the world just be a series of events"
Hermes: "Sure. With the last one being tomorrow."
Kino: "I don’t think there is anyone who know how or when the world is going to end. It would be too easy."
Hermes: "But what would you be doing if the world was really going to end tomorrow"
Kino: "The exact same thing I’m doing right now."

Kino: "While everything out there is changing and progressing, the insects singing to the sky remains constant. The only thing that’s certain. The only thing that’s ceaseless and endures."
Hermes: "What’s wrong Kino?"
Kino: You know Hermes, sometimes a traveler also explores their mind.

"Though I did not know the place,
I set out to find the land of my dreams,
Having arrived at the land of my dreams,
I found that I did not know the place."

The Author: "The difference between reality and illusion is that illusions are which humans have created. Life begins when u make a distinction between yourself and others. From that moment, the world becomes a stage in which you are the main character. Yet all people exist in the illusion that they are the main character. But the world, cruel as it is, denies you that role of the main character. It’s quite a twist and everyone is burdened with this sad bit of irony. But there is one way to escape."
Kino: To not to be a main character, to be a smaller role, or…
The Author: "That’s right, to be an author."
Hermes: "You do know he’s crazy right?"
Kino: "All I know is that normal people would never become authors."

Chief Librarian: "In the hall, there are the critics. We try to keep them away from everyone else, because all they do is expound their store of knowledge. They excite themselves with their ranting, the disapproval fills them with the feeling of importance and sick victory, they thrive on spoiling the pleasure and thrashing the creativity of others."

"The world is not beautiful; and that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty."

Traveler's Song

...From Kino no Tabi

"Let my desires fly along on a wing
along with my dreams, alone so it seems

Thoughts from the heart on a pure spring day
my mind floats away, on a dream so they say

Deep in your smile I see the world seeing me
I'm free to be free, to be what I be

When my heart's aching and it's shallow on love
I gaze to the doves, and find it above."

It's such a nice little song.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Give and take...remember?

That's what it's about. It's okay though, I think, sometimes we all need a reminder. But enough is enough...illusions and dreams are pretty but in the end that's all they are... intangeble...eluding...and sometimes....taunting.

And therefore, I wish to be absolved of them...for awhile, if I can. I want to live with my eyes a little more uncovered. A little to see other things.

For all i could see was atrocity, and farce.

I want to see more good things.

Things that are real...

without the strings of deceit.

to see things as they are...

even though the world is not beautiful,
that, in a way,
lends it a sort of beauty.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

the Chase of Reconciliation

Flying, fleeting, the road overhead
scars through lunging, winding grass that
offers daisies to a jubilant sun
cloaked by proud and royal storm clouds

the atmosphere wavers to a
riotous wind, challenging every
color of life to show itself in thef
ace of a traveler's perception.

and somehow the pistons mutter on
carving invisible threads of where and when
through summer soaked asphalt and a
migrant's heart to venture on

such star guided aimlessness..
grants the whole world to an
otherwise destitute individual
with nothing in her hands but restlessness

the toxic noise of origins
bubble from the cracks
it pursues as the hound
disdainfully relentless in it's wake.

and there is no mainstay from this living scorn.

only the road
offers the slightest fragrance of salvation
through the smoldering ash upon it.