Monday, October 27, 2008

The Affairs of Vicissitude

Fallen are the leaves of contemplation
as unstoppable as the sun.
The familiar tastes never leave,
ever lingering as wine.

Music soothes and completes
when there is no solace to be found
from ones' own





Relentless is the knowledge
of things preferred forgotten

Yet once the tastes were known

I could not choose to be ignorant of it again.

This I know.
and this I will always know.

Thrums of the sound waves
expand across the page
ripples ever growing
until nothingness is gained.

and I laugh.
How familiar...
how very familiar.

Fallen are the leaves of contemplation.
I catch them in my fingertips,
and never let them go.
And the tastes of wine
still linger
despite a specter's dream.

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