Sunday, February 24, 2008


As the present unfurls...I begin to realize just how crucial memories are to this being. Its an essential part of who this one is, influencing hopes and dreams for the future... at least they used to.

Now I suppose its just an apparition...The concept itself is quite interesting I suppose; some refuse to let the past affect them and I wonder if it does anyway. I shake away from what I desired for in the future because I couldn't have it in the past...
Do I really don't want it or is i something else?
I wonder how much this applies to others...memories, that is.

And yet it is said that if your heart is far too submerged in memory, you'll never be able to break the surface for your dreams. Makes sense..

Somehow, I no longer want to find the arrogance to make assumptions on the rest of humanity anymore. I just don't seem to have it in me I guess.

I keep looking for any trace of a path...everyone else seems to just follow one set before them... mine lies in something alien. This concept of destiny... scary...yet at the same time, romantically exhilarating. If I could just find it.

How fragmented and contradictory. Sigh.

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