Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I'm here in my invioble, syllogistic realm, chewing over the hows and whys of daily eccentricity (and especially normality) that captures my mental attention. Instead of my typical confounding of the audience in a dazzling display of rhetoric, I suppose I will toe the line to near-comprehension of my meditations; For those that would concern themselves over it. (On that note, some responding speculation or feedback would be pleasant...)

Considering that life is much of an experiment, I've happened to notice that the "science" to which I hold myself throughout daily endeavors is very much more Aristotelian rather than Galilean. That is, I am much more of a describer and observer than an actual experimenter. Yes, I have conjured some subtle investigations out of amusement, but, for some reason I can't seem to recall, I really haven't put my speculation to action.

One proposal is to simply ask more questions, and be involved...perhaps no matter how invading. It's easy to take quite a liking to this, actually. When encountering moments of thoughtful silence with some, try asking what currently arrests their attention. I've taken a few off guard by it, at least the more profound types, and usually the result invokes a small bit of insight into his or her character...that is, if their answer is honest. I suppose asking about a person's innermost thougths would only appeal to those who are genuinely interested by this sort of thing though- People seeking to challenge paradigms, objectively learn and discover about ourselves...

I would like to bring up an annoyance of mine. Narrow-mindedness accompanied by the sheer apathy to discovery. Especially stereotypic claims and arrogance, of those who learn not on their own but simply digest what has been fed to them since birth, without the slightest consideration. This creates what we would call sheep. Ad hominem reigns their logical capacities, and ignorance is the maintanence man.

I most certainly do not claim infallibility (infact, most of the time I hope my speculations are wrong!) because being corrected means you have got one less viscinity of error of speculation to step within. (Not to mention that I tend to be a cynic, and a cynic being mistaken is a good thing! :D) Though, I will add, that the plains of contemplation certainly are vast and far wider than my perception.

So much so that it is easy to feel that one's mind is so often mired in fog.

Speaking of intellectual peripheries, Why are you reading this? I'm not seeking any sort of flattery; only curiosity permits me to inquire.

I would very much like to know deeply of the workings human mind, heart, soul, (and where God comes in) as well as the eyes: ah yes, perception. One thing that fascinates me exceedingly is circumstancial association. Take for example, an apple. When I say "apple," what do you envsion? Feel? What do you recall? The crisp taste? The vivid red? Delight, or perhaps a fond memory where it was involved? ...or maybe a subconscious aversion to its color? Yes, I am quite aware that many probably do not overthink or even speculate upon the concept and existance of an apple. But that is just it; various objects, colors, place, conditions etc. relatively mean something different to each of us, yet not everything means something at all, yet to some much of it does. Just one thing evokes all sorts of associations, of memory, of conditions. Its incredible, the potentials, the capacities, of the human persona.

I've come to suspect...could this conceptual association be the staple of poetry?

Even in art...especially in art, for me at least. Simply a swoosh of a line here or a particular color there; ah the capacity of design! Evoking withing us inspiration, emotion, a spark of meditation, perhaps. Likewise can be said about music, to be sure.

Lets discuss for a moment the anatomy and physiology of the motor/sensory systems in the human brain. When you decide to move, say, your foot, there is a particular chain of events leading to its movement that occurs in the frontal lobes of the brain.

As my favorite neurologist writes, "Experiments show that the primary motor cortex is concerned mainly with simple movements like wiggling your finger or smacking your lips. An area immediately in front of it, called the supplementary motor area, appears to be in charge of more complex skills such as waving good-bye and grabbing a banister. The supplementary motor acts like a master of ceremonies, passing specific instructions about the proper sequence of movements to the motor cortex. Nerve impulses that will then direct these movements travel from the motor cortex down the spinal cord to the muscles on the opposite side of the body, allowing you to wave good-bye or put on lipstick." Remember learning in grade school that the left side of brain handles the right side of the body and vice-versa?

Anyway, what I wish to know is where art is concerned. What is it that (or perhaps, "how does it?") translate our inspiration, emotion or whim into the action of expressing it upon say, a piece of paper with a paintbrush or the strings of a guitar? Where/How do my feelings come in behind that single stroke? That inclination to a line or shape? How does emotion translate into physical movement? I wonder if it can't be limited to just artistic endeavors either; perhaps a hug, a slap, a kiss. Though I can guess that such processes are probably more primitive; rooting from less complex emotions.

At any rate, I would like to finish off with a quote, and a question. Something in me yearns quietly everyday for some sort of sign of human enlightenment, though I've come to discover is found consistently on a personal basis upon scrutinization; essentially, what I mean to say is to give people a chance. Get to know them. Break paradigms. Yes, I've been dissappointed much- but the diamonds in the rough far, far outweigh the grime. The rough is simply vast terrain just waiting to be explored.

"The world shall perish not for lack of wonders, but for lack of wonder."

So I'd like to know; what's on your mind?